Wild Excursions & Safaris

8 Days Mt. Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route

8 Days


From $2780

per person per tour

The Mt. Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route, often called the “The Balcony Route,” is not for the faint of heart. Renowned for its challenging terrain and breathtaking scenery, this route offers a true adventure for experienced hikers seeking a unique climb to the “Roof of Africa.”

The Toughest Route: The Umbwe Route is widely considered the most difficult route on the mountain. Steep climbs, uneven terrain, and rapid elevation gain make this trek a true physical and mental test. While not for everyone, the reward for conquering this challenging route is unparalleled. Imagine reaching the summit after traversing some of Kilimanjaro’s most dramatic and awe-inspiring landscapes.

Untamed Beauty and Fewer Crowds: The Umbwe Route offers a different perspective of Kilimanjaro compared to the southern routes. Prepare for a trek through dense rainforests, navigate through rocky ridges and climb the uniquely named “Umbwe Caves” – a series of natural shelters along the ascent. Unlike the busier southern routes, the Umbwe Route offers a chance to experience the mountain’s untamed beauty with far fewer fellow climbers.

Acclimatization is Paramount: While the challenge is undeniable, reaching the summit on the Mt. Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route is still possible, especially for experienced hikers. However, due to the rapid elevation gain, proper acclimatization is absolutely crucial. Choose a 8-day itinerary over a shorter option to allow your body enough time to adjust to the altitude and increase your chances of success.

Not for Everyone, But Unforgettable for Those Who Dare: The Route is a demanding but rewarding climb. If you’re a seasoned trekker looking for a challenge and a unique perspective on Kilimanjaro, this route might be the perfect adventure for you. Just remember, prioritize acclimatization and be prepared for a physically demanding trek. For those who conquer it, the Mt. Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route promises an unforgettable experience that will stay with you forever.

Conqueror or spectator, the Mt. Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route will leave its mark. Do you have the courage to challenge yourself on Africa’s toughest climb, or will you admire its beauty from afar?


Get ready for the start of your toughest Kilimanjaro Umbwe Route! You’ll receive a warm welcome at the airport by our driver and be transported in comfort to your hotel in Arusha.

After settling down, our expert team leader / chef guide will talk you through the important details of your route and offer advice for a successful trek. Your hiking gear will then be inspected and adjusted if necessary.

The rest of the day is spent preparing for your life-changing journey, if you have arrived early the day you may opt for a quick city tour.

Elevation Gain: 1250 metres Walking Time: 5-7 hours Distance: 10.5km

This morning you’ll meet your crew, who will be with you at all times during your trip. After a sustaining breakfast you’ll be driven the 2 hours trip from your hotel to the Umbwe Gate. Here, your crew will register you for your climb, while the porters and guides make last minute preparations. After lunch the real work starts. Your journey begins through dense green mountain rainforest. The air, warm and heavy with moisture, is redolent of the lush vegetation as you scramble and slide your way up an often muddy track through a dense canopy of rubber and giant fig trees. The route steepens between the Umbwe and Lonzo rivers, and you’ll need every ounce of strength to pull yourself upwards using the wild, strong tree roots. As you climb, you’ll see Kibo, unexpected, glimmering in the distance. Beneath your feet drop deep gorges. After a sumptuous dinner, you’ll rest overnight at the lonely Umbwe Cave Camp, nestling amongst giant trees and deep undergrowth, with the mystery of Umbwe Cave a short walk away.

Elevation Gain: 1150 meters Walking Time: 4-6 hours Distance: 6.5km

After a good, energy-rich breakfast you’ll prepare for today’s climb which takes you out of the rainforest and into the drier, crisper air of moorland broken with rocky outcrops. You’ll ascend through cloud forest, past thinning, moss-entwined trees, glimpsing more and more of the bright blue sky as you ascend the hair-raising and spectacular Umbwe Route ridge with sides that drop steeply until it flattens out near to the Barranco Valley. The Barranco Camp nestles in the valley below the Western Breach and the Great Barranco Wall, which you should study as this is your first climb after breakfast tomorrow! Enjoy a filling and delicious dinner gazing on the dramatic colours of a glowing African sunset.

Elevation Gain and Loss: 300 meters Walking Time: 4-6hours Distance: 6km

The first thing that greets you this morning is the scaling of the 257 meter Great Barranco Wall, often called the Breakfast Wall as it’s the first thing you’ll do after breakfast! It’s challenging but more of a scramble than a climb and you’ll enjoy a total-body workout. You’ll top out just below the glorious Helm Glacier soaring above you, and from here the views are incredible. You’ll descend through a tumbling up-and-down route across scree and ridges through alpine desert towards the Karanga Valley, lying beneath the icefalls of the Decken, Heim and Kersten Glaciers. Overnight after a satisfying dinner at Karanga Camp.

Elevation Gain: 641 meters Walking Time: 4-5hours Distance: 3.5km

After a good breakfast you’ll attack the path that starts climbing as you leave Karanga Camp. The Southern ice fields of Kibo sparkle to your left as you journey the arid and surreal high alpine landscape, such a contrast to the green lushness of earlier days. The route takes you up a constant climb then shelves into a shallow valley with a short, sharp scramble and hike leading you into Barafu Camp. Barafu Camp is situated on a rocky and desolate ridge, exposed to the elements but with glorious panoramic views from 15,000 feet up. You’ll be gazing at clouds below your feet and ice fields and the summit above you. It’s a tough environment for you to prepare your equipment and your mind-set for your final ascent tonight. Grab as much rest as you can before your 11pm push for the Uhuru Peak summit.

Elevation Gain: 1,295 meters Elevation Loss: 2,795 meters Walking Time: 14-16hours Distance: 19km

It’s summit day and you’ll be woken at 11pm for hydration, food and a quick medical check. You’re very close now; but this section of the climb is the most dangerous. You’l l be climbing a steep gradient of heavy scree in darkness through the night as the temperature drops to below freezing. But as you reach Stellar Point, something amazing begins. Imperceptibly at first, then more quickly, the sky pales to the softest blue and as you look east, the sun rises apricot, pink and gold above the cloud horizon. Tramping through iridescent ice fields burnished gold by the colours of sunrise and past impressive, impassive Rebmann and Ratzel Glaciers, look west to see the giant shadow of Kilimanjaro spreading across the plains far below you. In another hour you’ll reach Uhuru Peak. You have conquered Umbwe Route. Marvel at the glorious vista with Mawenzi silhouetted against the blue skies and the dawn clouds gliding below. There’ll be time for pictures before you make your descent via breakfast at Barafu Camp. Your journey isn’t over, yet. You’ve a long descent over loose gravel through ice-capped outcrops and down to the welcoming moorland of the lower reaches. Mweka Camp nestles in lush vegetation in the mists of the upper forest and you’ll enjoy good food from our  professional cooker as your body recovers from the harsh but beautiful experience of the night before.

Elevation Loss: 1,600 meters Walking Time: 3-4hours Distance: 10km

With Uhuru Peak a glorious memory far behind you, you’ll begin your hike back to civilisation on a full stomach. The slope here is gentler than the ascent at Umbwe, but it can be slippery so watch those knees! You’ll have time to take in the misty cloud forest and perhaps even spot a Colobus monkey or two. Arriving at Mweka Gate you’ll receive your summit certificates and there’s an opportunity to buy Kilimanjaro beers and t shirts. Vehicle will take you back to your hotel in Arusha.

Transfer to Kilimanjaro Airport, from where you will connect your flight back home. If you’ve opted to go on Safaris or Zanzibar – well, that’s a new adventure and we’ll be pleased to arrange it for you!


Professional Trekking Guide (English)
Transfer Car
Camping & Park fees
Chef cooker
Tent & mattress
8 breakfasts; 8 lunches; 7 dinners
1.5L of Bottled Water a day
Air Ambulance


Travel insurance
Visa and passport fees
Things of Personal nature (Souvenirs)
Sleeping bag
Increases in park fees where applicable
Accommodation & meals in Arusha
Tips for Trekking Guides, Porters & Chef
Soda and Alcoholic beverages
Extra activities (Excursions)


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