Wild Excursions & Safaris

Lake Naivasha

Where is Lake Naivasha located?

Lake Naivasha is situated in the heart of Kenya’s Great Rift Valley, one of Africa’s most iconic geological features. Its geographic coordinates place it approximately 90 kilometers northwest of Nairobi, Kenya’s capital city. Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of the Rift Valley, The Lake is renowned for its stunning beauty and rich biodiversity. The lake’s strategic location makes it easily accessible to both domestic and international visitors seeking an escape into nature’s tranquility.

What activities are found in Lake Naivasha?

The Lake offers a range of activities and experiences for visitors to enjoy its unique natural beauty and biodiversity. Here are some of the activities you can find:

  1. Boat Safaris: Explore Lake Naivasha’s waters, spotting hippos and birds, while enjoying stunning Rift Valley landscapes.
  2. Birdwatching: Witness over 400 bird species, including fish eagles and flamingos, making the Lake a birdwatcher’s paradise.
  3. Nature Walks: Guided walks reveal Lake Naivasha’s lush habitats, providing insights into its diverse flora and fauna.
  4. Wildlife Viewing: Encounter hippos, giraffes, and more, observing Lake Naivasha’s thriving wildlife in its natural habitat.

What is the best time to visit?

The best time to visit Lake Naivasha in Kenya depends on your interests and the specific experiences you seek. Here are two distinct seasons to consider:

  1. Dry Season (June to October): The dry season offers ideal conditions for outdoor activities like boat safaris and nature walks.
  2. Wet Season (November to May): Although rainfall increases, the wet season showcases lush greenery around Lake Naivasha, enhancing its scenic beauty.

How can you get to Lake Naivasha?

The lake is easily accessible by road from Nairobi, with a drive of approximately 90 kilometers taking around 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on traffic conditions. Visitors can either drive themselves or arrange for transportation through tour operators or rental car services. Additionally, there are public transportation options available, including buses and matatus (minibusses), although these may be less reliable and comfortable compared to private transportation.

For those looking for a more convenient and scenic option, chartered flights are available from Nairobi to nearby airstrips, such as Naivasha Airport or nearby Wilson Airport. From there, visitors can arrange for ground transportation to reach their accommodation near Lake Naivasha. Regardless of the mode of transportation chosen, the journey to Lake Naivasha promises stunning views of the Rift Valley landscape, setting the stage for an unforgettable adventure amidst the natural wonders of Kenya’s Great Rift Valley.

Safari Tours to Lake Naivasha