Wild Excursions & Safaris

Lake Manyara National Park

Where is Lake Manyara National Park?

Nestled in Tanzania’s Arusha and Manyara Regions, Lake Manyara National Park is a hidden gem. It sits at the base of the dramatic Manyara Escarpment, which rises majestically above the landscape. Established in 1960 and covering an area of 325 km², it offers a stunning blend of diverse habitats.

The park is particularly famous for its birdlife, with over 350 species, including large flocks of flamingos that gather at the lake. And for Wildlife admirers, they will enjoy sightings of various mammals like elephants, zebras, and the park’s iconic tree-climbing lions. The park’s varied landscapes make it an ideal location for photography and nature walks, providing visitors with a rich and immersive natural experience.

What activities are found in Park?

Lake Manyara National Park offers a variety of engaging activities that cater to wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers:

  1. Game Drives: Lake Manyara National Park offers thrilling game drives across diverse landscapes, from forested areas to grasslands. Visitors have opportunities to observe a variety of wildlife such as elephants, giraffes, and baboons in their natural habitats.  The park is famous for its tree-climbing lions, a rare and fascinating behavior not commonly observed in other lion populations. Spotting these lions lounging in the branches of trees is a unique and memorable sight for visitors.The park’s compact size and diverse ecosystems make these drives particularly rewarding.
  2. Bird Watching: The park is a haven for bird enthusiasts with over 400 species recorded. Its varied ecosystems, including the  alkaline waters attract large flocks of flamingos, creating a breathtaking spectacle. The sight of these vibrant birds against the backdrop of the lake is a highlight for many visitors.
  3. Canoe Safaris: Unique to the Park, canoe safaris offer a serene way to view wildlife and the scenic beauty from the water. This peaceful experience allows for close-up views of birds and animals near the lake’s edge.

Each of these activities offers a unique way to experience the natural beauty and wildlife of the Park.

What is the best time to visit the Park?

Best Time to Visit:

  • Dry Season (July-October): Ideal for wildlife viewing as animals gather around water sources.
  • Wet Season (November-June): A perfect time for bird watchers to see migratory birds in their natural habitat.

How can you get to Lake Manyara National Park?

The park, located in Tanzania, is accessible by various means:

  1. By Air: The closest airports to Lake Manyara National Park are Kilimanjaro International Airport and Arusha Airport. From there, you can take a small aircraft to Lake Manyara Airstrip. This is a convenient option if you are coming from far away or want to minimize travel time.
  2. By Road: The park is about a 1.5 to 2-hour drive from Arusha, which is the usual starting point for a safari in northern Tanzania. The roads are generally in good condition, but we advisable a 4×4 vehicle, especially during the rainy season.


Safari Tours to Lake Manyara National Park

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