Wild Excursions & Safaris

Gombe Stream National Park

Where is Gombe Stream National Park?

Gombe Stream National Park is located in Tanzania, East Africa. Situated on the western border of Tanzania, along the shores of Lake Tanganyika, near the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo. The park is directly opposite the town of Kigoma, which is the nearest major urban center and the main gateway to the park.

Renowned for being one of the smallest national parks in Tanzania, but it gained international fame due to the groundbreaking research of Dr. Jane Goodall, who conducted her famous chimpanzee behavioral studies here. The park’s remote and untouched forests offer a haven for wildlife, especially its famous chimpanzee population, and provide a unique and intimate wildlife viewing experience.

What activities are found in Park?

Gombe Stream National Park, although small, offers a range of engaging activities for visitors:

  1. Chimpanzee Tracking: The park is world-renowned for its population of wild chimpanzees. Guided tracking excursions offer the chance to observe these primates in their natural habitat, an experience that is both unique and unforgettable.
  2. Hiking and Nature Walks: Gombe Stream’s network of trails provides excellent hiking opportunities through diverse landscapes, including tropical rainforests, grasslands, and alpine bamboo forests.
  3. Bird Watching: The park is home to over 200 bird species, making it a fantastic destination for birdwatchers. The diverse habitats support a variety of birdlife, including both forest and water birds.
  4. Swimming and Snorkeling: The clear waters of Lake Tanganyika are ideal for swimming and snorkeling. Visitors can enjoy the diverse aquatic life and the refreshing lake water.
  5. Visit Jane Goodall’s Research Center: For those interested in the history of primatology and conservation, a visit to the research center established by Dr. Jane Goodall is a must. It offers insights into her groundbreaking work with chimpanzees.
  6. Photography: With its scenic landscapes and rich wildlife, the park is an excellent spot for photography enthusiasts.
  7. Cultural Experiences: Visitors can also engage with local communities around the park to learn about their culture and traditions.

Gombe Stream National Park is particularly suited for those looking for a more intimate and off-the-beaten-path wildlife experience, especially in terms of primate watching and exploring unspoiled natural environments.

What is the best time to visit the Park?

The best time to visit Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania depends on your priorities and preferences, as the park offers different experiences throughout the year:

  1. Dry Season (June to October):
    • This is the peak tourist season and the best time for chimpanzee tracking. During this period, the weather is dry, and chimpanzees are easier to locate as they tend to stay in the lower vegetation.
    • Wildlife is generally more active, and hiking conditions are optimal.
  2. Wet Season (November to May):
    • This period brings heavier rains, which can make some trails muddy and challenging to navigate. Hiking conditions may not be as favorable.
    • Bird watching is excellent during the wet season, as migratory birds arrive, and the lush vegetation supports a variety of birdlife.
    • The park is less crowded during these months, providing a quieter and more intimate experience.
  3. Chimpanzee Behavior:
    • For those interested in specific chimpanzee behaviors, the best time to observe them may vary. For example, the dry season can be a good time to witness territorial disputes and mating behavior, while the wet season might offer opportunities to see nesting and feeding habits.

Ultimately, the best time to visit Gombe Stream National Park depends on your priorities. If chimpanzee tracking is your main focus, the dry season is preferable. However, if you’re interested in birdwatching and a quieter experience, consider visiting during the wet season. Planning in advance and checking weather conditions can help you make the most of your visit to this unique park.

How can you get to the Park?

Getting to Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania involves several steps:

  1. Travel to Kigoma:
    • Kigoma is the nearest major town and the main gateway to Gombe Stream National Park. You’ll need to travel to Kigoma first.
    • Kigoma is accessible by air, with flights from Dar es Salaam, Arusha, and other major Tanzanian cities. Kigoma Airport serves as the primary arrival point.
  2. From Kigoma to Gombe Stream:
    • Once you arrive in Kigoma, you’ll need to arrange transportation to the park, which typically involves a boat ride.
    • The most common way to reach the park is by taking a boat from Kigoma to Gombe Stream. The boat ride across Lake Tanganyika is part of the adventure and offers scenic views.
  3. Chimpanzee Behavior:
    • For those interested in specific chimpanzee behaviors, the best time to observe them may vary. For example, the dry season can be a good time to witness territorial disputes and mating behavior, while the wet season might offer opportunities to see nesting and feeding habits.


Safari Tours to Gombe Stream National Park

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