Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I am unable to travel due to COVID-19?

We’re strongly advising against canceling existing bookings at this stage.

Wild Excursions & Safaris has negotiated with our hotel partners to ensure free postponement of trips to any date within twenty-four months of your original dates. This not only allows you to still have your dream safari adventure but also ensures you won’t be out of pocket additional funds.

If I need to cancel my booking, what are your cancellation fees?

Should you decide to cancel your booking rather than postpone it, we are not able to refund deposits.

Non-refundable payments have been made to hotels, airlines, and ground operators to ensure your booking. All have informed us that they will no longer accept cancellations, only postponements.

With all of this in mind, we are strongly suggesting that all clients take advantage of the free postponement of up to twenty-four months, as this avoids any loss of money.

In the event that you absolutely cannot postpone and must cancel, we advise that you consult with your travel insurer to recoup any lost amount. Upon request, we will provide a letter explaining the amount lost.

Are there currently confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Tanzania/Kenya/Uganda/South Africa etc?

There are confirmed COVID-19 cases in virtually every country in the world, and our African destinations are no different.

Local governments are working to meet the challenges presented by the unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak, with much banning inbound travel for the foreseeable future.

With this in mind, Shadows of Africa is strongly urging clients whose travel dates are the coming months to consider postponing their trip to avoid disappointment.

Can I Still Travel?

The current state of travel varies from country to country and week to week.

If your travel dates are approaching and you are curious as to whether you can still travel, we advise getting in touch with your safari expert or your airline to get the latest information.

Where Can I Learn More About COVID-19?

We recommend visiting the dedicated COVID-19 page maintained by the World Health Organization.